haptiBOOK International Online Meeting 2021
Key information
Event Date: 12th June 2021, 12 – 6 pm (Central European Summer Time)
Registration deadline: 4th June 2021
This event will be held on the plattform ZOOM, which is available for both mobile and desktop users. Participants can also attend the meeting directly from a Web browser. The registration for the meeting is free of charge.
The meeting language will be English (interpretation into Spanish and French will be available).
Contact and registration:
Eva Cambeiro Andrade: e.cambeiro@dbsv.org
If you are interested in participating in this meeting, please send us an email indicating your name and the name of the organization you are representing and also a short description of your area of work (2-3 lines) and if you already have some experience with tactile books. You can also send us a link to the website (or social media) of your organization.
We will publish this information on our website, so that all participants can see which other organizations will be attending the meeting.
The haptiBOOK International Online Meeting 2021 will take place within the framework of the project “Ein Buch für jeden Tag” (“A book for every day”), which is sponsored by the SKala-Initiative. SKala is an initiative of entrepreneur Susanne Klatten in partnership with the nonprofit analysis and consulting company PHINEO.