Pfeifi 4: Pfeifi Allcounter and Korkus Neverfull
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Pfeifi and Korkus are sitting in a cheese box and chatting with each other.
Korkus tells: "In this box has once been a cheese. I have eaten it all up."
"You have eaten up the entire cheese?", asks Pfeifi.
"Yes!", says Korkus and asks: "Pfeifi, do you know the book about the little caterpillar Neverfull?"
"Yes, I know it."
"My mummy always says to me, that I eat as much as the little caterpillar Neverfull. She calls me 'Korkus Neverfull'."
Page 2
"Yesterday I have eaten many, many gummy bears."
Korkus shows the empty bags.
"How many bags have you emptied?"
"That I don't know", says Korkus.
"But I do", says Pfeifi. "Because I can count."
Pfeifi counts the bags.
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"You, Pfeifi, I am going to show you something. Guess what that is!"
Pfeifi does not need to count. He touches and says: "They are wood sticks!"
"Yes. But these are special wood sticks. What has once been at these sticks?"
"Ice cream! These are ice lollies sticks. It's a pity that the ice cream is already gone. A great pity! Because I am just getting an ice cream hunger."
"If I hadn't eaten it, it would have melted", says Korkus excusing himself. "Then it would have been gone, too."
Korkus raves: "Last week I have eaten at least one ice cream every day. I have kept the sticks." Pfeifi counts.
"I have eaten even more ice cream."
Korkus fetches little spoons. They are from the ice cream parlour.
Korkus has been at the ice cream parlour three times with his grandma. He always ate the ice cream from a cup with a little spoon. Grandma, too. Korkus has kept all the spoons. Pfeifi recounts them.
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"My mummy has said, that I am not only a neverfull, but also a much-collector", tells Korkus. "Because I collect many things."
"By the way, I like to eat fruit. My mummy is very happy about that, because fruit is healthful. But it also tastes good. And for me, the second best with fruit are the seeds, the fruit stones. I sometimes keep them. Small ones and big ones. Then I wash them and collect them in a box."
Korkus shows Pfeifi the boxes, where he keeps the stones. Pfeifi the allcounter counts, how many stones are in the boxes.
"Oh, I have collected something else, which is fantastic", remembers Korkus. "My grandma bakes small cakes. They are called muffins and are baked in little paper molds. These muffins are so yummy. And I like the molds. Oma has given me some." He shows them to Pfeifi.
As always, Pfeifi is not only interested in "what", but also in "how many"!
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"How do you like noodles?", Korkus asks Pfeifi.
"I just love noodles! Especially spaghetti", Pfeifi answers.
"Did you know that all noodles, once they are soft, taste very similar, but as long as they are not yet cooked, are hard, totally different and very beautiful?"
Korkus shows Pfeifi the raw noodles he has collected. They all have different forms.
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Pfeifi says to Korkus: "Now I know why you are so round: It's because you eat so much."
For a short while Korkus gets angry, but then he says: "Now I know why you are so bendy: It's because you count so much."
"That I don't understand", says Korkus.
"Me neither!"
Then Pfeifi and Korkus play something else.
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If you find something interesting for Korkus's collection, you can glue it in here.
Materials for the Pfeifi-book "Pfeifi Allcounter and Korkus Neverfull"
- 9 pages bound book (large spiral binding, pages made of card board) plus transparent cover and back page
- power adhesive
- Scotch tape and glue stick
- 2 pipe cleaners (or 7 ones, if Pfeifi is supposed to show up on every page)
- 2 bottle caps (or 7 ones, if Korkus is supposed to show up on every page)
- 1 cheese box
- 4 empty gummy bears bags, 1 full one
- 7 sticks for ice cream
- 6 ice cream spoons
- fruit stones
- 1 flat box for peach stones (preferred to slide)
- 2 match boxes for apricot and cherry stones
- 4 paper baking molds for muffins
- noodles (different styles)
Craft tips
- The pages will be bound to a book. (Tip: binding, e.g. in a copy shop, before glueing)
- The spiral binding should be extremely loose in order to have enough clearance for the objects and for turning the pages over.
- Let a plastic folio bind as protection cover before the first and after the last page.
- For some children more robust card boards might be proper. If those cannot be bound, you can also file them in a folder.
- The texts are to be cut out and glued onto the pages.
- Once the book is opened, the texts shall always be on the left page, the figures and items always on the right page.
- For blind children it is suitable to have the texts translated into Braille and to glue the Braille text in addition to the black scripture.
- The items are to be glued onto the pages with power adhesive and Scotch tape.
- For partially sighted children it is recommended to design the books visually stimulating and rich in contrast.
Find here a PDF-file with images of the book.
Text and idea:
Annette Strack, Pädagogische Frühförderung für blinde und sehbehinderte Kinder, Diakonisches Werk für Frankfurt am Main des Evangelischen Regionalverbandes
Photos: Alexander Sell