Pfeifi 2: What is gone, is gone?

Pfeifi in search


Page 1

This is a pipe cleaner. His name is Pfeifi (a pipe is called "Pfeife" in German).

Page 2

Pfeifi has found many things he is now playing with:

a feather, a paper clip, a rubber band, an air balloon, a coin, a wood chip, a bottle cap and a button.

He plays that they all dance in a circle.

Pfeifi is standing in the middle.

His daddy calls him, and they go and visit grandma.

Page 3

When Pfeifi comes back, all the items are gone.

Nothing. Nothing. And nothing!!!

Page 4

His mummy has cleared everything away.

"Gone is gone", says Pfeifi.

"No! He who seeks shall find!", says his mummy.

"No", says Pfeifi.

"Yes", says Mummy.

"No!" - "Yes!" - "No!" - "Yes!" - "No!" - "Yes!" - "No!"

"YES, just seek", advises Mummy, "then ..."

"Ok." Pfeifi starts searching.

Page 5

Pfeifi stretches, makes himself long and rises towards all sides: upwards into the air, forward, to the right, to the left, downwards - but he cannot sense anything.

Then he has an idea: "I shall search in the corners."

In one of the corners he finds a match box. And in the box: the bottle cap.

"Hi Korkus, old friend", Pfeifi calls him.

Page 6

Pfeifi opens a plastic bag that has a zip. In the bag he finds the air balloon.

Page 7

Pfeifi recalls that his mummy always puts little things into a box. He seeks in a big box. There he finds the coin, the button and the paper clip.

Page 8

Pfeifi checks up behind the plastic curtain and is happy to find the wood chip. Now he really enjoys the search. Pfeifi thinks about what he is till missing.

Page 9

Pfeifi bumps into a big book. Maybe, his mummy has put the feather into it so that it wouldn't break? Right! He browses through the book and finds the feather and the rubber band and even a piece of cord.

Page 10

Pfeifi has found all his stuff.

He shouts: "Mummy, I have found all my stuff. Now all the things are messed up. Don't you want to clear them up again? Then I can look for them again. And find them!"


Materials for the Pfeifi-book "What is gone, is gone?"

  • 11 pages bound book (large spiral binding, pages made of card board) plus transparent cover and back page
  • power adhesive
  • Scotch tape and glue stick
  • 10 pipe cleaners (small), 1 pipe cleaner (big)
  • 2 feathers
  • 2 paper clips
  • 2 rubber bands
  • 2 air balloons
  • 2 coins
  • 2 wood chips
  • 2 bottle caps
  • 2 buttons
  • 1 match box
  • 1 larger flat box
  • 1 zipper plastic bag
  • 1 piece of plastic cloth
  • 1 little book (e.g. self made of card board)
  • 1 piece of cord


Craft tips

  • The pages will be bound to a book. (Tip: binding, e.g. in a copy shop,
  • before glueing) The spiral binding should be extremely loose in order to have enough clearance for the objects and for turning the pages over.
  • Let a plastic folio bind as protection cover before the first and after the last page.
  • For some children more robust card boards might be proper. If those cannot be bound, you can also file them in a folder.
  • The texts are to be cut out and glued onto the pages.
  • Once the book is opened, the texts shall always be on the left page, the figures and objects always on the right page.
  • For blind children it is suitable to have the texts translated into Braille and to glue the Braille text in addition to the black scripture.
  • The items are to be glued onto the pages with power adhesive and Scotch tape.
  • For partially sighted children it is recommended to design the books visually stimulating and rich in contrast.


Find here a PDF-file with images of the book.



Text and idea:

Annette Strack, Pädagogische Frühförderung für blinde und sehbehinderte Kinder, Diakonisches Werk für Frankfurt am Main des Evangelischen Regionalverbandes

Photos: Alexander Sell